
Founded in spring 2024, Walkable is a technology project creating a weather app designed for dogs and paw safety, providing sidewalk temperature data to ensure safe strolls for your pup.

Mobile App & Open Beta

We are diligently developing a mobile app that provides real-time surface temperature readings for sidewalks, helping determine their safety for dogs' paws. Our goal is to launch this app, along with several other mobile and smart resources, in 2025. During the testing phase over the next few months, you can try out our beta mobile web app.

Paw Safety

Dogs are particularly vulnerable to paw burns on hot pavement due to their paw pads being made of sensitive tissue and lacking the same heat tolerance as human skin. When exposed to high temperatures, their paw pads can easily sustain burns, leading to discomfort, blisters, infection, and even lameness in severe cases. It's crucial for pet owners to be mindful of the pavement temperature.

Renewable Energy

We are actively building and deploying surface temperature sensors in the Greater Sacramento, California area. These sensors are equipped to fully operate 24/7 on solar power. We use microcontrollers to collect surface temperature data, and we program them in Python to run on low power consumption.

Our Next Steps

In fall 2024, we will start deploying additional surface temperature sensors in Northern California at local parks, community centers, and residential areas and along popular dog walking paths for greater accuracy and to allow users to select a monitoring location near them.

Support our Growth

The team wants to personally thank you for taking the time to learn more and support our efforts. We are actively coding and testing to develop the best resource for our friendly four-legged friends.

Beta Availability

Walkable was designed and developed in Sacramento, California. As we launch this new project, our goal is to expand and offer our services to other cities throughout California. We appreciate your patience as we strive for responsible growth and expansion

Terms of Use

Please note that Walkable is currently in beta and is only available for testing in the Sacramento area and can only be accessed from a smartphone. While this resource provides valuable information, decisions about pet health should ultimately be made by their owners.